Harvest 2022 is already here

Harvest 2022 has already begun

Although this year the campaign has advanced slightly, from Vinícola del Priorat we propose two interactive activities for the whole family to be able to experience a harvest day in the purest Priorat style.



Day: Saturday October 1.

Place: Gratallops.

Details of the activity: Live a total grape harvest experience in the heart of Priorat. We will accompany local farmers to harvest a 75-year-old vineyard of Garnachas and Cariñenas. You will participate in the process of treading and entry of the grape. Therefore, it will be a member of the Winery, which will help to make the wines of the following vintage.

So much so, that with the participation of this activity, you will receive a bottle of wine from the following vintage.

Price: €35/person.

Duration: 4 hours approx.


Days: September 17 and 24.

Place: Gratallops.

Details of the activity: With this activity suitable for the whole family, you will witness the entire harvest process in Priorat, accompany the grape harvesters and see how the grapes are harvested, the work environment in the field and all the processes that we follow for the entry into the warehouse.

The visit includes a final tasting of three wines from our cellar.

Price: €20/person

Duration: 2 hours approx.

RESERVATIONS: Places for these activities are limited. Therefore, to make a reservation you can send an email to enoturisme@vinicoladelpriorat.com or by calling +34 678987796.